Real business problems solved by NetGeekz.
The Challenge

Our challenge was to merge the information and functionality of three separate portals into one streamlined site. The new website needed to serve the client’s three main buyer personas: master trainers, trainers/aspiring trainers and class attendees
- High Hosting Cost. (Reduce High Monthly Cost Of Video Training Resources)
- Non Responsive Website. (Did not accrurately fit to phones, ipads, televesions, or computer screens.)
- Slow Loading Times. Website periodically timing out.
- Memberships. There is no way for clients to purhcase or re-new memebrships online.
The Solution
We built out pages and functionalities for workshops, trainers, and classes. With that foundation in place, there were three main solutions we built workflows for: the process of signing up for workshops, the new submission approval process and a membership’s renewal option.
- Class Calendar. Members can view classes availability and register online.
- Payment Gatway & Shopping Cart: Ability to accept payments online for new and renewal memberships.
- Re-built Website from the ground up with wordpress content mangment system. Otpimzed for adaptability and scalability.
- Upgraded Web Server, anti-hack & anti-spam filters, installed secured certificate (https)
- Trained Staff on how to fully utuilize website capabilities and functionalities.

The Results
Signing up for classes or workshops and accessing the resources you need is now easier than ever for all site visitors and members on every level, facilitating Life Extension's current and future growth.
As a result of these changes, the Life Extension corporate team is saving time and resources, with automated processes for content approval and implementation, as well as cross-tool data sharing.
- Improved Security
- Improved Services
- Cost Savings
They’re also happy to be able to manage videos and photos on a time-based basis through the tools NetGeekz set up for them, so their clients see what they’re supposed to see.
Final Summary
It’s saving time, which translates to saving as much as the salary of two marketing specialists.
And on the front-end, members and instructors see a system that delivers exactly what they need. It’s a win-win-win.
If you are thinking about launching your own gym or fitness website to sell your memberships via various channels, and you want to access the best marketing functionalities that NetGeekz offers, get in touch. We are keen to work with you!
Get In Touch Today By Clicking Contact Us.