Real business problems
solved by NetGeekz
The Challenge

- High Cost LMS. (Reduce High Monthly Cost Of Learning Managment System )
- Non responsive website. (Did not accrurately fit to phones, ipads, televesions, or computer screens.)
- Slow Loading Times. Website periodically timing out.
- Unsecured. Non-HTTPS compliant
The Solution
- E-Learning Management System. Reduced monthly cost by 50%. Designed & Implemented Internal LMS.
- Online Calendar. View all training and events online. Users can also add reminders to their outlook calendar directly from the website calendar.
- Re-built Website from the ground up with wordpress content mangment system. Otpimzed for adaptability and scalability.
- Upgraded Web Server, anti-hack & anti-spam filters, installed secured certificate (https)
- Trained Staff on how to fully utuilize website capabilities and functionalities.

The Result
The website now operates smoothly and efficiently. Allowing for several hundred civil service staff members to be logged on simultaneously. engaging in the e-learning platform all at the your own comfort.
By designing and installing an internal learning management system, the civil service college is now able to save over 50% on costs.
- Improved Security
- Improved Services
- Cost Savings
The Organization can not better server the civil servants in their goals to ensuring all have access to modern training programs via the online LMS - Learning Managment System, that is accessible 24/7 and 365 days a year.
If you are thinking about launching your own e-learning management website, have a government website or in need of a digital marketing campaign via various channels, and you want to access the best marketing functionalities that NetGeekz offers, get in touch. We are keen to work with you!
Get In Touch Today By Clicking Contact Us.